By Glamour Magazine, on Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:23am PDT
Forget the latest economic news from the Federal Reserve--these real women's tips are far more useful. Here's how to save where you can, to splurge where you must. For more ways to save on fall fashion, check out Glamour's "So Chic, So Cheap" fashion picks for fall--everything's under $50!
1. "I froze my credit--literally. I filled an ice bucket halfway with water and stuck it in the freezer. Then I taped my credit card to the block of ice, poured in more water and froze that, too, so my credit card was stuck in the center. No more thoughtless purchases!" --Shannon Morrison, 22, Charlotte, N.C.
2. "I go to department stores and try on all the designer jeans to see what size I am. Then I find those same jeans on eBay and buy them for less. I save hundreds of dollars." --Amy Leibowitz, 23, Fair Lawn, N.J.
3. "My fiance has a large planter that he puts his change in every day. I teased him mercilessly until he rolled his coins and had $1,350! I started throwing my money in there too. We've accumulated another $1,000, which helped pay for our wedding." --Julie Phillips, 34, New York City
4. "I used to treat myself to a mani-pedi every weekend, but that simple indulgence was a burden on my wallet. So I bought the essential supplies for $50 and started practicing at home. Now I give myself a mani-pedi for practically nothing."--Jacquleen Alagozian, 26, Montebello, Calif.
5. "I go to flea markets and find cool accessories that can make a plain sweater look totally new. For example, for an eclectic look, I'll replace flat plastic buttons with a great vintage set." --Amanda Burigatto, 27, Brooklyn
6. "Each Monday I take out a $10 bill for extras, such as gum and snacks throughout the week. Not only do I think hard about my purchases, I buy less unhealthy food." --Ashley Dow, 25, Richmond, Va.
7. "Last year I must have spent $10,000 at the spa. Now, in part because of the gas crunch, I've learned to create my own spa experience at home. I fill up a tub with hot water and add some Epsom salts or sea salt. I feel just as pampered without spending tons of cash." --Jill Elizabeth Westfall, 36, Atlanta
8. "I shop online where I can get free shipping. No gas costs and, even better, if I don't like what I bought, free returns!" --Shama Hyder, 23, Dallas
9. "I love designer clothes but cannot afford the designer price. So I primarily shop at sample sales. I recently snagged two shirts worth about $400 for only $40 each!" For online designer sales, check out hautelook.com. --Jen Konare, 33, Los Angeles
10. "After getting my first full-time job, I also took a temporary weekend job to help pay for a trip I'd been planning. Each and every paycheck from that second job went into a separate checking account. After six months, I had enough for a European vacation!" --Ryan Todd, 25, Santa Clarita, Calif.