The muscle-building ideal is 20 grams of protein, half before and half after your workout. Bring these convenient snacks to the gym to fuel growth.
Chicken, Turkey, or Tuna (3 oz)
14-22 grams protein
66-100 calories
Wrap one of these standbys in a piece of bread. Four slices of chicken or turkey provide 14 grams of protein, while half a can of tuna has nearly 22 grams.
Eggs (three)
19 grams protein
232 calories
They're still incredible after all these years. Hard-boiled eggs are most convenient, but it's also easy to scramble a few in the a.m. and scoop them into a microwavable container. Don't sweat the fat: It's healthy and filling.
Chocolate 2% Milk (16 oz)
About 17 grams protein
333 calories
Refresh and rebuild at the same time. A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition shows that chocolate milk may be the ideal postworkout beverage for building muscle.
Whey Powder (30 g scoop)
24 grams protein
110 calories
This milk-derived product continues to rule the gym. Mix it with milk instead of water if you want a bit more protein. Try Nitrean; it has whey isolate for quick absorption, and casein, which is digested slowly.
Greek Yogurt (5.3 oz container)
15 grams protein
80 calories
Greek-style yogurt is a lifter's dream: It's easy to carry and packed with protein. Skip yogurts with fruit and sugar; to add flavor, drop in a few berries or nuts.