Honestly, though, this same argument has come up against keyboards, touch screen monitors, and anything else that involves the use of your fingers, so should every gadget maker change the design of its products to accommodate users with long nails, or should people with long nails learn to work around this problem like they have in the past? I'd love to hear what Apple has to say about all this, but I doubt they'll ever address this particular design flaw.
Personally, I'd rather have them focus on the real issues of the iPhone, like the lack of a video camera, extra storage, and better camera, but that's just me. Besides, there are styli out there that work with the iPhone just fine and are pretty affordable.
This all reminded me of an iPhone reviewer who had a hard time using the iPhone due to her long nails, and in her frustration she said, "I guess people who use Apple products are too cool for fingernails." But are we? What do you think?