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How To Ask A Girl Out On Date


You met her, you talked to her, you got her number and, so far, everything is going great. But now comes that awkward point, …

How To Ask A Girl Out For Date

If it is a girl you are really interested in your mind might be filled with doubts and insecurities :

What if she says no ?

Am I trying to move too fast ?

Maybe she thought we were just friends and she will be offended if I ask.

All of these fears, although natural and common, are dumb. If you want a date with this girl you have the right to ask her out. Don't allow your life to be ruled by doubt and insecurity.

So what are the best ways to ask a girl out ?

There are several cheesy techniques you can use to lower your chances of rejection (such as making a bet with a girl and the loser has to make them dinner) but these kinds of games are unnecessary. If you are straightforward, and don't beat around the bush about what you want, a girl will respect and admire your confidence.

Optimally, you would ask her in a face-to-face setting. However, if that is not possible, either because the opportunity won't present itself or because you aren't confident enough, your best alternative would be over the phone.

Avoid, at all costs, asking through email or any other written medium (Instant Messenger, a note, etc.). Not only do these methods scream "CHICKEN!" they also leave behind a paper trail that may or may not come back to haunt you.

One way to avoid looking like an idiot is to have something in mind to say for these three possible reactions to your question so you won't be caught off guard :

If she says "yes"

Have a plan in mind; know your schedule and have an idea to suggest.

If she says "no"

Don't act shocked or offended. Just be like, "Alright." Then carry on the conversation as if you never asked. Be friendly and polite. Too often guys take a "no" personally and get ticked off. Girls don't admire or respect a negative reaction. The fact that you were able to brush off her rejection so easily may actually raise her interest.

If she says "some other time"

Have a plan B in case she is busy. If she still acts like she has too much to do it's probably because she's not interested and doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Accept it as a rejection and move on.

Of course, you go into it expecting her to say "yes" but it's, as with most things in life, it's important to be prepared for the worst.

Tips on how to ask a girl out

The real key to getting women to say "yes" when you ask for the date IS TO MAKE SURE THAT THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO YOU.

If a woman is attracted to you then why wouldn't she want to go out on a date with you ? It makes sense but most guys don't think of it that way... they miss the point and focus on "how to ask" rather than focusing on raising her attraction.

Personally, I tried some techniques mentioned in How to Ask Girl Out report. It works well for me. Give it a try.


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