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Anti-Aging in a Natural way!

By: Zap 8/20/08, 6:25 PM
You might be searching for antiaging formula so that you can make your skin look more healthier and brighter. You believe that by purchasing a good antiaging product cream or lotion can solve your problem but that does not true at all. The good antiaging formula is to do it in more natural way that will surely repair your skin from within.

Buying a good antiaging product is always a good idea but you can add more techniques to help improve your skin looks. One of the best way of antiaging formula is to drink more water. There are many reasons why skin ages, but it all boils down to one thing and that is water loss. Skin cells need an adequate supply (nothing less than 1.5 litres per day) without which the cells will disintegrate, causing premature wrinkling.

The second antiaging formula will be antioxidise. Load up on fresh fruits and dark leafy vegetables which contain vitamins A, C and E. With these vitamins, along with some minerals such as selenium found in chicken, almond and Brazilian nuts, get rid of free radicals in sunlight, pollution and alcohol that can damage skin cells. The vitamins A, C and E combo helps regulate the sebaceous glands that hydrate skin.

Get an Omega is the third antiaging formula. The body needs two types of fatty acids to prevent premature ageing and symptoms like dry skin, cracked lips and water retention: omega-3, found in oily fish like sardines and salmon, and omega-6, found in evening primrose oil and sunflower seeds.

The fourth antiaging formula is to stay sweet. No, you don't have to smile actually. Essential sugars are important to your body. This does not mean sugar found in ice-cream, candy or sweets, but rather those in garlic, coconut, milk and vine-ripened fruits. They can help cells function more effectively and can extend their life.

The fifth and last antiaging formula is to have enough and adequate sleep. More than 80 percent of skin repair occurs while you sleep. Chronic sleep loss can cause dry, dull skin and inflammation. What you can do is to get between seven and nine hours of shut-eye every night.

So as you can see, this natural way of antiaging formula is very easy to do and will not cost you a lot of money. If you really have a tight budget, you can apply this tips mentioned in your daily life and you will be surprise to see the result after few days trying it.


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