1. Be on time!
Practise getting to the venue to see how long it will take. Public transport may be useless, the traffic may have been heavy, but however reasonable it won't affect the fact that your chances are reduced if you are late. Always remember - You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Aim to be early - you can always find a nearby cafe/shop/pub to wait in. And if worst comes to worst and you are going to be late, then definitely ring in and let them know.
2. Be Prepared!
Look at the employers' website and learn something about the company before you attend your interview.
3. Write down and practice possible questions!
Writing them down and practicing them with someone will make it easier to remember when you get to the interview. Use the third person when talking about the job. Avoid sounding as though you assume the job is yours.
It is fine to ask about the package on offer and accommodation - living in and living out are particularly relevant. Don't forget to find out if the company will guarantee a resort or chalet - many will only allocate you a country. You could also try a fewer more testing questions such as how they differentiate themselves from their competitors or what they think the toughest/hardest part of the job is.
4. What are your weaknesses?
Don't be nervous, think before you speak. "None…ah well, ah'm a bit of a perfectionist actually!". Try to find an area of your experience/skill that is currently lacking. An interviewer will appreciate your candour - as long as whatever you disclose can be easily remedied.
5. You never get a second chance to make a first impression!
SMILE! Dress professionally in simple business attire. Just because you are going to be working in a ski resort does not mean you should wear Oakley's and a fleece to your interview. And don't forget that firm handshake and to maintain eye contact - without glaring!
6. Be honest!
There really is no point lying about your background and/or skills. If you get caught, or even manage to get out to resort and then get found out, you can be sure you won't be around for long! Job interviews are about matching needs - if there isn't a good match, then chances are that the job won't work out.
7. Check your CV for possible gaps!
Make sure you know how you are going to explain time gaps on your CV.
8. Talk about specific achievements!
Interviewers like to know how you felt about about a particular success. Some will ask for specific examples of things you've done that you're particularly proud of; how you solved problems; how you learned - and improved - from difficult situations.
9. Don't talk too much!
Spud again - Communication is a two-way thing so give them a chance
10. Take a spare photo & CV with you!
Your interviewer won't be expecting it so you will impress them. It also helps them remember you after the interview.
11. Be enthusiastic and positive!
Don't criticize previous employers, particularly within the industry. Focus on positive achievements and views.
And finally, Don't give up!
The fact is that you will not be offered every job however perfect you think you may be for it. Usually it's because the interviewer was completely blind to the talent that stood before them. However, just on the off chance that it was not, feedback from interviews where you have been turned down can be invaluable for improving future results. Ask politely if they can give you any feedback for the future - there's a job out there for you somewhere.